NewTelco’s main office and data centre are strategically located at the heart of Continental Europe’s most important telecommunication hub – Frankfurt am Main.
Frankfurt is not only a European financial hub, but also one of the most highly interconnected metropolises worldwide – the premier network gateway between Eastern and Western Europe. Frankfurt is also renowned as the Internet capital of Europe. It is not only home to the largest Internet hub of the world: DE-CIX, but also offers a huge data centre capacity – totally independent from the major telecommunications and computer groups and almost equalling that of the much bigger London. The vast concentration of data centres to be found in Frankfurt is responsible for 20% of Frankfurt’s overall power consumption. These data centres, with their vast selection of high-performance computers, build the backbone for today’s global data traffic and are extremely important to Frankfurt’s economy.
Germany’s strict data protection laws, the open regulatory environment and NewTelco’s interconnection facility are all factors that ensure Frankfurt will retain its status as a key hub for carriers, service providers, cloud solution companies and enterprises wanting to expand their networks and businesses globally in the long term.
Despite the large number of data centres and wide choice of colocation space Frankfurt has to offer, NewTelco’s facilities play an exceptional role within the overall telecommunications business: Our exclusive address – Kleyer Strasse 88-90 / Rebstoecker Strasse 25-31 – hosts over 450+ carriers, the highest concentration of carriers within Europe and the second highest in the world (only surpassed by Telehouse London).
Perfectly located within only 5 minutes walking distance from the office, NewTelco’s data centre is part of the world-famous “Kleyerstrasse”.
The data centre complex is comprised of three buildings. This complex is a historically grown spot, where from the early 1990s the first key European carriers, such as DTAG, KPN, BT, France Telecom and Swiss Telecom, inadvertently found the ideal market place for a forward-thinking business – thereby laying the groundwork for the development of this international telecommunications hub. Since then, more and more new operators wishing to connect to existing players have been attracted to this data centre – causing growth to “snowball” in a major way.
NewTelco’s own carrier-neutral data centre, due to its unique location, offers exceptional connectivity options with virtual and physical cross-connect capabilities – allowing our customers to get connected to this network-rich environment fast and reliably.
Extend your reach with NewTelco!