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Rozvytok LLC

Oleh Bobovnikov, Commercial Director

It was a big fun to be the first customer of just opened NewTelco Ukraine with few unique options:

1) footprint selection for your rack at any place of big colo room;

2) pulling your cables from the rack  to meet-me-room in very simple and easy way;

3) having all NewTelco team around you.

Ten years have passed since that time, two first options gone. But third one keeps staying all that time…and we keep admiring this.

Universal Card Corporation

Nana Keburia, CEO

Universal Card Corporation ltd, Loyalty and Marketing Service provider holding 60% of loyalty market share in Georgia works with NewTelco Georgia as a neutral data center since February 2016.

NewTelco Georgia  manages to deliver the best prices vs quality value countrywide, the whole team demonstrates excellent communication, presentation and service delivery skills.

We appreciate to see here in country  internationally accepted standards in place to help long-term partnership and business communications in future.

Link Africa

Andre Hoffmann, Manager for Special Projects

New Telco has an outstanding reputation in the market and that, coupled with the fact that their carrier neutral nature enables interconnections with a wide range of reputable service providers for our customers, makes them an ideal partner for our fibre network, and is why NewTelco SA data centre will form part of our core network ring.

Telecom Namibia

Isak Ouseb, Senior Manager: Product Management

We are very excited about the partnership with NewTelco SA which enabled Telecom Namibia to interconnect its PoPs to the world’s largest internet exchange, the DE-CIX… Our partnership with NewTelco SA is a pioneering step in connecting Africa to the world, removing the reliance on third parties to connect internationally and driving down the cost of communications for the continent. This is just the first step in revolutionising telecommunications in Namibia.

Six Telecoms

Said Mohamed Alli, Head of Data Business

NewTelco has more than a decade of experience in the business, and their unique global telecom services portfolio suited Six Telecoms’ requirements perfectly, making them the ideal choice of partner. With this new PoP in London, the Seacom, Eassy and Teams submarine cables that provide backhaul capacity between our regional PoPs are now connected onward to key European cities, providing us with virtual presence in all key European countries and trans-Atlantic access to our North American hub in New York.

Link Africa

Andre Hoffmann, Manager for Special Projects

NewTelco SA’s data centre offers all the benefits we look for in a data centre: good security, excellent cable management and maintenance standards, great uptime and availability, and peace of mind when it comes to power supply – an especially key point in a country not well known for its reliable electricity delivery.


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